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Peter Waples


"Hopefully my works speak for themselves. My grandmother, mother and father all had some input to my awareness of art form, texture, colour and spiritual connection with the elements, as I reflect on childhood times."

I was born and schooled ; Lidcombe, Auburn area to Year 10; Apprenticed Granville Tech NSW, after which I became a plumber. Here my partnership with raw materials began. Many of my pieces incorporate objects from my trade.

I've lived on the Central Coast for the last 36 years with my wife and 3 children. Always appreciated the arts and started copper works, as a hobby, 20 years ago. I work in a variety of medias, like plaster, brass, copper, oil paint and found objects. 

My inspiration is family and nature. 

Though most of my works are sculptural in nature, I have a selection of two dimensional paintings, drawings and black & white photos.

Subject matter of my pieces vary from old relics, sea creatures, mythical pieces and human forms.

Work constructed from copper tube, brass tapeware, found items, steel, old galvanised iron, timber ect....

Joined together wiith silver solder, electric welded, rivetted, glued. Sometimes painted or clear vanished.

For all enquiries regarding the sale of my works, commissions or exhibitions, please contact Art Shapes via email or the form below.

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